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Category: Musings

Ayurveda has the Answers

Vedic scientist-philosophers have known for thousands of years that a preventative if not total cure exists in nature for every disease that could possibly affect humankind. As a result of this knowledge being spread far and wide by the scientists, perfectly good health was enjoyed by most people who followed the Vedic way of life from the earliest days on this planet.

The Key to Good Health Lies in Natural Medicine: Part 2

There is much on offer from Ancient India and its Ayurvedic remedies. India and its denizens do themselves a disservice if they copy the so-called “west” in fashion, culture, foods and medicines. What is needed is a return to the simple village lifestyle as advocated by the Avatar of this Age, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Here, we go over properties of some ancient – and proven – remedies of India of yesteryear, Bharat.

There is something that has to be understood about allopathic medicine and Big Pharma: In much hope, you continue to take the drugs that your doctor prescribes in the hope that you would be cured of whatever you are suffering, only to discover belatedly that a cure is only a pie in the sky. Pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of curing people’s ailments. If they did, they would go out of business.

The Key to Good Health Lies in Natural Medicine: Part 1

In mid December, 2012, I had a dangerous and debilitating multiple bypass operation in a South African private hospital after which I died. A Voice in the golden mist into which I floated in bliss sent me back saying it was not yet my time, that I still had much work to do. In great reluctance, I returned.

After recuperating from my ordeal for two years on a quiet South African farm, I was called back to India. It was only then, while trying desperately to re-gain my stolen health, that I learnt of natural preventatives and even total cures for every known disease, including the so-called “cholesterol-blocked arteries” which, according to my cardiologist, necessitated my urgent by-pass surgery. These natural cures abound not only in India but also elsewhere around the world.

Rising Public Consciousness and Critical Mass

There is a growing awareness of the fact that multinational companies involved in the rape of the planet are owned by a handful of the wealthiest people on earth. Human progress and the advent of the Golden Age assure us that new forms of energy will be discovered and peace will prevail on Earth. There will be no reason to raise a weapon, one against another, for awareness of the inherent divinity within will rise in consciousness.

Alien Teachers

My Indian years gave me the opportunity, among other things, to observe the fact that many outstanding young men and women who were making a mark in their professions in both India and as expatriates in the west had had their early education in either traditional or ordinary government or private schools. They were every bit as successful as, if not better than, their mission-educated counterparts. Yet brain-washed middle-class Indians fondly believed that their children in mission schools were receiving a “prestige” education.

The White Kangaroo

7179928-3x2-940x627My friend Chris Parnell of Shepparton, Australia, has sent me a photograph taken in Australian bush country of a young, pure white adult kangaroo. I forwarded this the same morning to Chief Looking Horse of the Wolakota people of the Sioux nation and his wife Paula in Dakota, USA.

Mists of Maya: Refined Cooking Oils

For months since returning to India a year ago, I have been advising friends and family to stop cooking their food in the refined vegetable oils that first started to appear on the market nearly half a century ago. There is a lot to be said for using natural oils, cold pressed. Anything else is maya, and illusion. We might test what any other so called health “guru” tells we should do against the voice of our conscience. It is important, in this day and age to keep good health if we are going to serve the Almighty – and everyone else on this planet – in this, the Golden Age.

A Secret India for the Seeker

traffic in bangalore

Indian drivers are the worst in the world and discipline in traffic is an unknown quality. A South African friend now living in London wrote to me saying how safe she feels driving around her part of that city. I drove for years in London and other parts of Britain, as I did on the Continent and in other parts of the world as far removed as Africa to the north of the Limpopo and the Zambezi and just about every corner south of that, and Australia and New Zealand. I consider myself a reasonably good, considerate and safe driver but I shall never drive in India. The constant pandemonium here would drive me to utter despair and desperation, or to road rage – and perhaps action not becoming of an avowed pacifist.