Thus far, Vivek Naicker has lived a remarkable life – particularly since his journey to Sai Baba’s ashram in India, in 1993. Here he tells of his pilgrim progress residing in Prashanti Gram, and of a celestial visit at Ananda Farm, nr Puttaparthi.
For years since coming to live in Whitefield in 2003 and later Puttaparthi, I have been telling a small group of people close to me – of which you are one – that I have been experiencing a miracle almost every day, particularly in Puttaparthi. Once again, I have miracles to share with you – about the White Buffalo Calf of Puttaparthi, and the unique graciousness of the Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Vivek gives an introduction: World Peace and Prayer Day was commemorated in Ashland, Oregon on the weekend of June 18-21, 2015. Because of the short notice, I was not able to go but my friend Morelle Foster was there, among other friends. I thought Morelle’s summary of events and my reply would interest you.
Vivek is driving from Dundee, his home town, to Durban. His mother had stayed on in Dundee with his older brother and their family. He brother had called in the morning to tell that mother had fallen ill. Her doctor needed an item of medical equipment that was not available in Dundee. It could be obtained on loan from the St John’s Ambulance Service in Durban. Could I obtain it and deliver it to Dundee, he asked?
Later that evening, they stop the car to get out and look at the Milky Way … …
For the better part of some twenty-five years, I had known of a Vedic astrological prediction that I would die in mid-December, 2012. A priest I had consulted at the time had given me the date after poring through the ancient Vedic almanac called the Panchangam. Years later, an old sage famous far beyond the confines of his remote Tamil Nadu village for his gift of prophesy quite independently confirmed that date.
Because I do not believe that anyone ever dies, I took the prediction as well as the confirmation in my stride. We are eternal spirit and so-called death is merely the casting off of the mortal body; the soul – atman – within is eternal and deathless. Resigned to the thought of leaving this existence at the ripe age of 73, I thought no more of the prediction over the years until September, 2002.
India has been my home for five months now, the longest I’ve ever lived here. I thought I should write a summary of my observations to date, especially with regard to economic growth. This is important if you are to understand the forces at work on this huge sub continent.