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Tag: Puttaparthi

Puttaparthi’s White Buffalo Legend

wobbly-legsFor years since coming to live in Whitefield in 2003 and later Puttaparthi, I have been telling a small group of people close to me – of which you are one – that I have been experiencing a miracle almost every day, particularly in Puttaparthi. Once again, I have miracles to share with you – about the White Buffalo Calf of Puttaparthi, and the unique graciousness of the Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Mists of Maya: Refined Cooking Oils

For months since returning to India a year ago, I have been advising friends and family to stop cooking their food in the refined vegetable oils that first started to appear on the market nearly half a century ago. There is a lot to be said for using natural oils, cold pressed. Anything else is maya, and illusion. We might test what any other so called health “guru” tells we should do against the voice of our conscience. It is important, in this day and age to keep good health if we are going to serve the Almighty – and everyone else on this planet – in this, the Golden Age.