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Tag: Nadaraja

Homage to Lord Shiva

Dancing Nataraja
In his second epistle to his friend Bala, Vivek muses about the history of the Tamils, their evacuation from their sinking homeland, the ancient Tamil “myth” of Kumari Kandam.

Attached to this so-called mythical narrative is the depiction of the formless with Form, the endless dance within the atom (which Charles Darwin called the etym … how prescient was he?) of swirling neutrons, protons and electrons. The unknown artificer of the Dancing Nadaraja encircled the God within boundaries of fire. Salt sea and sunken lands aside, Vivek takes his friend Bala from Holy Arunachala to Puttaparthi, to the archipelago of islands spanning the waters up to Japan and possibly to Hawaii.

Now read on: The Homage of Shiva